
Friday, April 15, 2016

Southern Tea Time And Mason Jars, A Visit With Patricia Neely- Dorsey

Today our Southern Friend Patricia Neely- Dorsey is back to share with us some more Southern Tea Tips with us.

There's something that you may not know about us southerners.
We LOVE drinking our beverages out of a Mason jar..
We are obsessed with Mason jars almost as much as we are with sweet tea !
In fact, we ESPECIALLY like drinking our sweet tea from mason jars !
It just almost seems to make it taste better ! 

Actually, we use Mason jars in any and every way imaginable.
We try to find and make up new ways to use Mason jars !
We use Mason jars for canning,  for jelly and jam.for storage, for loose change, for flower vases, and even  for wedding decorations
You name it and we can come up with a way to use a Mason jar for it !

A Little History :
In 1795 the accepted methods of food preservation are pickling, salting and drying—unreliable, unsustainable means for an army on the move.
To ensure his men would  have rations they can safely consume, Napoleon Bonaparte offers a prize: 12,000 francs to anyone who can devise a better way to preserve food.

Fifteen years pass before confectioner and distiller Nicolas François Appert claims the cash. Now known as “the father of canning,” he discovers, over the course of a decade, that food wouldn’t spoil if boiled and then stored in airtight glass containers.
His lids are made of wax and wire.They were sticky, sloppy, and potentially a breeding ground for bacteria.

It takes almost fifty years for John Landis Mason, a New Jersey native, to patent the design that would endure: a glass jar sealed with a threaded zinc cap and jar mouth.
The new model is easy to use and reuse, and is quickly improved upon in 1869 with the addition of a removable rubber ring for a more powerful closure.

Thank you Patricia! I love this idea in your photo above for an outdoor tea party! I am going to use this idea at my next party! Offer guests a range of iced teas and sweet teas in mason jars just like this! Actually I think I will make some up for my own fridge as well! 

Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia-A Life in Poems
" a celebration of the south and things southern"
"Meet Mississippi Through Poetry, Prose and The Written Word"

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